lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2007

Algunos Quizzes!!!

Bueno, por lo menos no pueden decir que no lo intenté, o que no lo soportaría, pero pues aquí el resultado de los quizzes:

You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To

Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could.
Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most.
But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you?
It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.

What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever

What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth

You Should Play the Trumpet

You are a natural leader. You have a very dominant and strong personality.
Working with others suits you. As long as you're in charge, that is!

You are aggressive and strong in your approach to most things.
You feel like no one is as competent as you are, and you rarely make mistakes.

The limelight is where you feel most comfortable - and you'll take risks to get some extra attention.
You definitely would bring your own flavor to any music you were a part of. Even if it means being a little loud and obnoxious.

Your dominant personality characteristic: you're a showoff

Your secondary personality characteristic: you like to be in charge of other people

Your Driving Is is: 80% Male, 20% Female

According to studies, you generally drive like a typical male.
You're confident in your driving skills, and hardly any situation gets the better of you.
And while you may have a few tickets under your belt, you're still a very good driver.

Ok... el siguiente digamos que me tiene un poco perturbado...
You Passed 8th Grade Spanish

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!

Copiaré las respuestas que puse para LOGRAR el maldito 8/8
Y luego me comentan sobre los conocimientos de español del que diseñó el test.

1.- What color is "azul"?
2.- Which is not a way to introduce your self?
"Me llamo Maria"
"Soy Maria"
"Mi nombre es Maria"
"Estoy Maria"
3.- What day of the week is "martes"?
4.- How do you say "it's snowing"?
5.- How do you say "she is married"?
Ella es casado
Ella es casada (Ok, se que es confuso pero de todas formas)
Ella est casado
Ella esta casada (Para mi punto de vista, este sería también correcto, interpretaciones maldita sea!!!)
6.- How do you say "I like dogs"?
Me gustas los perros
Me gusta los perros
Me gusto los perros
Me gustan los perros
7.- How do you say "It's 7:30 pm"?
Es la siete y media de la noche
Son las siete y media de la
Es la siete y media de la tarde
Son las siete y media de la noche
8.- What does the verb "aprender" mean?
To remember
To know
To learn
To receive

Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 72%

You have a good chance of being a multimillionaire. Better than most people.
You simply have a natural knack for money and the personality for success.

You are 100% Capricorn

You are 80% Scorpio

You are 53% Sagittarius

You are 33% Pisces

You are 67% Libra

You are 53% Aquarius

You are 60% Virgo

You are 67% Taurus

You are 60% Gemini

You are 47% Aries

You are 47% Leo

You are 60% Cancer

You Will Die at Age 79

You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...
And how you'll die as well.

Your Brain is 47% Female, 53% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Your Power Level is: 75%

You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.
Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.

You Are Mr. Burns

Okay, so you're evil...

You have big plans to rule the world, and you'll destroy it in the process if necessary!

You will be remembered for: the exploitation of the masses

Life philosophy: "One dollar for eternal happiness? I'd be happier with the dollar."

Your Scholastic Strength Is Evaluating

You are great at looking at many details and putting them all together.
You are talented at detecting subtle trends, accuracy, and managing change.

You should major in:

Conflict studies

You Should Drive a Saturn Sky

You're sleek and smooth, and you need a car to match your hot persona.
Besides, sometimes you want your top up - and sometimes you want it down.

You Should Learn Japanese

You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko!

My head hurts!!!!

Si... me duele la cabeza, y todo es culpa de que no se que va a venir en el exámen de simulación de mañana Martes 20 de noviembre, y me revuelve tanta teoría estúpida.
Bueno, a pesar de tan aturdidor dolor, todo parece ir viento en popa, y Dios mediante, en 3 largas semanas lograremos terminar la mayor parte de nuestras clases, eso si, con un par de trabajos macabros que terminar antes de lograr culminar nuestro semestre, pero, nadie puede decir que la vida es fácil, no lo es, y para muestra basta cursar el 7mo semestre de Ing. Industrial en el ITH.
Por otro lado, mañana es el cumpleaños de un muy buen amigo mio, asi que Feliz Cumpleaños anticipado Jorge!!! ojala te la pases bien!!!
Y entre tantas cosas, mas me vale seguir "trabajando" por que si no, mas adelante me arrepentiré, lo se, lo presiento, así que a darle.

Bueno gentes, se cuidan, se portan bien, y si no, pues... no les pido que inviten, por que nunca lo hacen, pero tambien se cuidan...

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2007

Mi edad!!! (segun el quiz)

Pues hoy me pasee por los blogs de mis amigos, y al entrar al blog de Alexa-chan (link a la derecha) me encontré entre otras cosas con un pequeño quiz acerca de que edad mental tengo, y aqui estan los resultados...

You Are 26 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.